So I attacked Super Mario 3D Land on Saturday, determined to finish the last couple worlds. I did worlds 6-8 and defeated Bowser, it went by pretty quickly. Some of the levels have been pretty fun, pretty easy to get through. I finished the main game with over 90 lives left, not because I'm super good, but that the game is very forgiving and especially with the Super Tanooki Suit that appears whenever you die a few times in a level.
So you die a few times and gives you an ability to have tanooki powers to help jumping and also makes you invincible, but its an option it doesn't force it on you. I'm not afraid to say I used it a couple times. Also just how much fun the final battle with Bowser was, it had a lot of variety. If that's what I can expect out of the Special World levels, I'm pretty excited. Also this is the only game where I've felt I wasn't doing well because I didn't have the 3D, since I just have a 2DS, but I still had no significant trouble.
So now that I've finished the "main" game and defeated Bowser and saved the Princess, I now have access to the Special Worlds. Which appears to be another set of 8 worlds, and more or less another entire new set of levels. I've heard from others that this is where the game gets really challenging and rewarding. Now I had fun with it already, but if this is more fun then I can't wait. If these levels are significantly harder it makes sense, cause it makes the first 8 worlds training, and gives you a large stock of lives, because I may need all those to survive in the Special Worlds.
I also think I'm gonna try and get back to TIE Fighter this week, also thinking about my 2D Platformer Catch Up - A World a Day. I may do this starting Christmas break or after New Year. Where I play at least 1 level of Super Mario 3D World, Rayman Legends, Doney Kong Country Returns, and maybe one or 2 more depending. I'll make it a thing.
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